4 Testing Devices You May Use When You Become an HVAC Technician

September 17, 2019

HVAC college

HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, and as an HVAC technician you might be responsible for installing, maintaining, and repairing any of these systems. An HVAC diploma provides you with hands-on training in order to get you going in your career, no matter what type of system of you focus on.

One aspect of working as an HVAC technician is knowing how to use the right tools for the job. There are multiple instruments that you may encounter and utilize in your training or in your career, including testing devices.

Continue reading to discover a few of the testing devices frequently used by HVAC technicians.

1. An Infrared Thermometer Can Help You Spot Problems from a Distance

An infrared thermometer (IR) uses infrared technology to measure an object’s temperature from a distance. Sometimes called laser thermometers, IRs calculate the infrared emission of an object to determine its temperature. IRs may be used to quickly locate overheating circuits and equipment without requiring direct manual intervention. By adding an IR to your HVAC technician toolbelt, you can find and repair potentially hazardous components.

An infrared thermometer allows you to locate overheating circuits
An infrared thermometer allows you to locate overheating circuits

2. A Digital Multimeter Provides Important Information About Electrical Components

A digital multimeter (DMM) is a diagnostic tool employed by technicians working with electrical components, including by students developing their electricity-related knowledge at HVAC college. The primary purpose of a DMM is to measure electrical values—namely amps (current), volts (voltage), and ohms (resistance). The advantage of a DMM is that it combines the efficacy of multiple single-task meters into one comprehensive device. In one single reading, the user can receive information that would otherwise require three to four separate machines and three to four separate readings.

3. Leak Detectors Can Help You Detect Leaks When You Become an HVAC Technician

Leaks are a problem that HVAC technicians are often called upon to address. Such leaks may be caused by abrasive substances, physical damage, equipment malfunction or a variety of other factors. What is just as important as the problem itself is the ability to detect it. If a gas leak, for example, goes undetected for a prolonged period, it might become a health and safety hazard.

A leak detector helps you detect if there’s gas leak
A leak detector helps you detect if there’s gas leak

A leak detector helps you see what is otherwise invisible. If a system is utilizing compressed air to generate energy, for example, and that system is leaking, it might result in decreased productivity because energy will be lost. After your HVAC technician training, you may find yourself called upon to help detect and fix leaks and in those cases a leak detector will prove invaluable.

4. A Vacuum Gauge Is a Useful Tool to Have for Refrigeration Systems

A vacuum gauge is an instrument that measures the pressure in a vacuum. They are one of the most important tools used in refrigeration. As an HVAC technician, a vacuum gauge allows you to test the pressure of liquids and gases in cooling systems, which is essential when working with different refrigerants. Vacuum gauges are also necessary when servicing or replacing a refrigeration system as they provide you with important information about the system.

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What Students in HVAC College Need to Know About These 4 HVAC Trends

August 07, 2019

It’s that time of year again, where summer is in full swing and air conditioning units become our best friends. However, you might not know that there are a number of ways you can help someone’s home have the most optimal temperature possible, and the way it’s being done is getting increasingly modernized. Just as technology continues to evolve, so do trends in the HVAC industry.


While you may already be familiar with trends such as smart thermostats, digital zoning, geothermal/solar HVAC systems, and DeVAP, the breadth of HVAC technology actually goes even further than one might think. In fact, it’s an industry that’s modernizing in multiple areas, and these are just a few examples. Here are four trends you need to know about if you’re studying for a career in HVAC.

1. Smart HVAC: A Tool You’ll Probably See Down the Road in Your HVAC Career

No, smart technology isn’t just for your phone. The HVAC world has been experimenting with ways to make air conditioning more efficient and future-forward. Using technology such as mobile apps, motion sensors, and even thermostats, smart HVAC is increasingly becoming a trend in the industry, with technology already available to control an HVAC system remotely. Some HVAC systems and smart thermostats can even alert you about necessary maintenance. Considering how often HVAC systems can break down, this technology is ideal for those looking to modernize their home — and a fascinating tool for those in an HVAC career, as well.

Smart technology has increasingly become a common presence in the HVAC world


2. HVAC Technicians Know Duct Sealing is Effective and Simple

Thanks to companies like Aeroseal, this technology may not seem too futuristic in nature, but is no less impressive. As ductwork can start to become cracked and/or worn out with time, duct sealing can help solve the problem to avoid affecting the performance of your HVAC system — or worse, leakages. Through a water-based substance being sprayed onto the ductwork, it works to seal holes and cracks in vents and air ducts. In other words, it can stop ducts from leaking and humidity from entering your home, all while your energy bill starts tumbling down.

3. Hot Water Recirculating Systems: A Plumbing System You’ll See as an HVAC Technician

Here’s a technology that can go right under your kitchen sink and save you time as well. By moving hot water quickly from a water heater to a faucet, hot water recirculating systems move water without waiting for it to rise to warmer temperatures, and without the need for low water pressure. Often being activated by a thermostat, the hot water recirculating system is also known for its capacity in saving water, as some types of recirculating systems can save up to 15,000 gallons of water per year.

HVAC technology can often be controlled remotely from a smartphone

4. Work on 3D Printed Air Conditioners During Your Career

You might be dealing with some odd shapes and sizes if you want to become an HVAC technician. Using a 3D scanner and computer-designed 3D model, you can make a digital copy of an object to build and use as an air conditioner, which then soaks water like a sponge, letting air pass through it. As a result, water evaporates and the air becomes cooler. Users can get creative with customizing it as well, as they can configure parts and its design to fit their needs. These printers are so impressive that the very first one was sold in China in 2015 for around 40,000 yuan (or more than $7,600 today in Canadian dollars).


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A Quick Look at the History of Air Conditioning for Anyone Interested in an HVAC Career

July 03, 2019

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Summertime is officially upon us—in other words, air conditioners will soon be our best friend for the next several months. But what exactly led to air conditioning even coming into our lives in the first place? Following the invention of the first A/C systems, air conditioners have evolved from a luxury to a necessity for most, as many households in Canada have air conditioning. However, it took a long time before reaching its status of ubiquity.

Here’s a look at how modern air conditioning has grown over time, and how it continues to make the hot, sticky summer weather just a little bit more bearable.

Developments Prior to the 20th Century
It can be argued that ancient Egypt set the groundwork for air conditioning to follow, as it would be common to hang reeds in windows and have water trickle down to moisten them, thus leading to cool air as the water evaporated. Similar attempts to stay cool would also be made in ancient Rome, where members of the upper class population used the aqueduct system to have cool water run through their homes. In fact, the emperor Elagabalus built a mountain of snow in a nearby garden as a means of staying cool during the summer months—though the results were a letdown.

hvac diplomaWere it not for Willis Carrier, who knows how we’d be protecting ourselves from the extreme heat

Willis Carrier’s Game-Changing Invention
Although American engineers and scientists would attempt to further developments in air conditioning technology in the late 19th century (including John Gorrie’s attempt in 1842 to make an ice-creating machine to cool hospital rooms), Nikola Tesla’s invention of alternating current induction motors would really help move the process forward, leading to oscillating fans being invented as the 20th century got underway. However, in July 1902, a 25-year-old Buffalo native by the name of Willis Carrier introduced the first mechanical air conditioner.

Initially meant as a means of keeping moist air within the printing plant where Carrier was working at the time, the machine was built to control both humidity and the temperature of a room. Carrier, an engineer who considered himself the Thomas Edison of air conditioning, would found the Carrier Corporation 13 years later—a company that continues to manufacture and sell HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) systems in 170 countries to this day. In 1922, he’d take his invention even further by introducing the centrifugal chiller, which would be introduced to the public three years later. While HVAC college was still a long way off, these developments set the groundwork for the field and what was to come.

hvac careerTechnology in HVAC continues to evolve over time

Growing Pains Before Widespread Use, as well as What the Future Holds for HVAC Careers
Though A/C units seem incredibly universal nowadays, it took a long time for them to get there. Even in the late 1930s, window air conditioners were too expensive for the average person. Air conditioning would be first experienced by many in those days at movie theatres, since machines would cost between $10,000 and $50,000. As the late 1960s rolled around, window air conditioners had become more affordable, and many newer households in the United States had central A/C.

Today, close to 60 per cent of Canadian households have air conditioning, with a demand for A/C units across the world being equally high. In fact, demand continues to climb! In other words, your opportunity to pursue an HVAC career won’t be going away anytime soon.

Looking to get your HVAC diploma?

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Want an HVAC Career? 3 Benefits of Routine Bathroom Fan Maintenance

June 07, 2019

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Few components of a home’s HVAC system are put through as much work as the bathroom exhaust fan is. These fans are needed to remove moisture and chemical fumes, both of which tend to be more common in bathrooms than in other rooms.

Despite its importance, most homeowners only take notice of their bathroom fan once something is wrong with it. At that point a quick 5-minute shower can leave the bathroom looking like a steam room! To help avoid that and other uncomfortable situations, here are a few of the benefits of routine bathroom fan maintenance to keep in mind during your HVAC career.

1. Without a Properly Working Bathroom Fan Homeowners Are at Risk of Mold Exposure

When the fan isn’t working properly, then moisture isn’t being removed from the bathroom. Because the bathroom tends to be one of the smallest rooms in the house, moisture released into the air when the shower is turned on becomes trapped and settles on the walls. From there it begins to attract mold very quickly. Some mold is toxic and even some non-toxic mold can cause asthma attacks, allergic reactions, nausea, headaches, and rashes in some people.

Routine maintenance of a bathroom fan is one of the best ways of reducing the risk of mold in a bathroom. Even if the fan is working, dust buildup can cause it to run slowly and less efficiently. By simply inspecting and maintaining a bathroom fan regularly, homeowners can rest assured that their bathroom is safe from mold.

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Routine bathroom fan maintenance can prevent mold from building up

2. Pros with an HVAC Career Know Bathroom Fans Improve the Airflow of the Entire House

The fan doesn’t just remove moisture and chemicals from the bathroom; it also removes them from the entire home. To do that, however, the entire exhaust system, such as the ductwork and outlets, must also be working. If there is a leak in the ducts, for example, then the fan may not actually be removing moisture and chemicals from the home.

Instead, they could be leaking into hidden areas of the house, such as in the attic or between floors, where they could cause moisture buildup. As stated above, moisture buildup can lead to mold, but in this case the mold may be hidden and undetectable until it has become a major problem. After HVAC school, you can help homeowners detect these hidden risks by performing routine inspections of a bathroom and home’s entire HVAC system.

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HVAC maintenance can help detect hidden problems with a bathroom fan

3. A Problem with a Bathroom Fan Can Make Bathrooms Unpleasant Places

Beyond improving health and safety, bathroom fans also increase the overall comfort of the home. If a bathroom fan isn’t working properly, it can make the bathroom uncomfortable to use. For example, a faulty bathroom fan can cause excessive heat, humidity, and odors that can quickly make the bathroom the least pleasant room in the house.

Another problem that you may encounter in your HVAC career is a bathroom fan that is excessively noisy. This is often the result of poor installation or lack of maintenance. The noise is not only irritating for homeowners, but it can also lead them to stop using the bathroom fan entirely, which in turn can mean that moisture and chemicals are not being safely removed from the house.

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Installers vs. Technicians: Understanding the Difference before Beginning Your HVAC Career

May 03, 2019

Apr 23 hvac training

HVAC school can put you on a number of different career paths. Two of the most popular are as an HVAC installer and an HVAC technician (sometimes called a maintenance technician or service technician). While there is plenty of overlap between what installers and technicians do, they also have some differences.

There are advantages to being either an installer or a technician, so whichever path you choose will come with plenty of perks. To find out whether you’re more suited to a career as an installer or a technician, here’s a closer look at the differences between the two.

The Main Difference Between HVAC Installers and Technicians Is Maintenance

The main difference between HVAC installers and HVAC technicians is a little obvious from their job titles. HVAC installers are primarily responsible for installing new HVAC systems, while HVAC technicians focus more on maintaining and repairing existing HVAC systems. Of course, both technicians and installers need to have a good understanding of how HVAC systems work and many of their job duties overlap.

Because HVAC installers install HVAC systems, they also tend to be more involved in the construction industry than technicians are. When a new home or business is being built, it needs an HVAC installer to come in and set up an HVAC system for it. HVAC technicians, on the other hand, are more likely to work with home and business owners who already have an HVAC system, but one that needs repairs or maintenance.

Apr 23 hvac school

HVAC installers often find plenty of work in the construction industry

There Are Advantages to Being Either an HVAC Technician or Installer

Both installers and technicians enjoy unique advantages and neither HVAC career is necessarily better than the other. Installers tend to be more in demand when the economy is booming, as this is when new buildings are being constructed and people have more income to afford new or upgraded HVAC systems. During economic downturns, meanwhile, HVAC technicians are in demand since people will often be holding off on replacing older HVAC systems, which are more likely to break down and require repairs.

The hours that HVAC technicians and installers keep also tend to differ. Because technicians are servicing homes and businesses, their schedules often have to accommodate those of their clients. In many cases, HVAC technicians need to work on-call, especially given that some HVAC repairs, such as for restaurants or nursing homes, may need to be urgently fixed. HVAC installers, on the other hand, are typically more able to set their own appointment schedules. The payoff to being on-call is that demand for technicians tends to be more stable no matter the time of year or economy.

Apr 23 hvac career

Technicians and installers may have different work schedules depending on their customers

HVAC School Can Prepare You to Work as Both an Installer and a Technician

If you’re still having trouble deciding which career path you should choose, the good news is that you can actually do both. Your HVAC training will prepare you to become both an installer and a technician. Many HVAC technicians also work as installers, so they can easily find work no matter what the economy looks like. In fact, sometimes the title HVAC technician refers to a person who does both installation and maintenance work.

Of course, if you prefer installation over maintenance or vice versa, then you are free to specialize in one area rather than doing both. HVAC installers and technicians are both in high demand and they are well compensated, so focusing on the part of the industry you enjoy the most is more than possible.

Are you interested in HVAC school?

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Is HVAC School Right for You? 3 Signs You’re a Great Fit

March 27, 2019

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Are you considering a career as an HVAC technician? If so, you’re making a great choice, since the field is in demand and offers excellent room for growth!

You may be wondering what makes a good HVAC technician. Are there specific personality traits or any other qualities that professionals working in this trade have in common? Do you have what it takes to succeed in this type of career? While no two HVAC technicians are the same, there are a few core traits and values that can certainly set you up for success. Read on for 3 signs that could indicate you’re the right fit for an HVAC career.

1. Those in Pursuit of HVAC Careers Value a Job That Keeps Them Moving

HVAC technicians often move around a lot as they go from one scheduled appointment to the next. This means you’ll get to work in a variety of settings and no two days will ever be alike. So if the idea of sitting in an office all day and working on a computer doesn’t appeal to you, then an HVAC career may be a much better choice.

If you work in residential HVAC, for example, your workday will often consist of going from one house to another helping homeowners install and fix their HVAC systems. You may also spend quite a bit of time outside, which is another aspect of the job that many HVAC technicians find appealing. While some commercial and industrial HVAC technicians work at just one site, many still have to travel around a lot from business to business. Even the ones who do work at a single site are constantly tackling new challenges that arise every day.

HVAC technician trainingHVAC technicians are always on their feet and work in diverse settings

2. HVAC Technicians Enjoy Solving Problems with Their Hands

HVAC technicians are practical, hands-on problem solvers. If there’s an issue that needs to be fixed, they’d rather find the solution by rolling up their sleeves instead of reading about it in a book. So, if you’re the type of person who likes to get their hands dirty in order to overcome a challenge, then this job is for you.

You can get a sense of this hands-on problem solving approach in HVAC school, where courses tend to be focused on helping you develop the skills you’ll actually use on the job. While there are some classroom components, your training will be focused on practical skills that can be applied in the real world.

3. HVAC Technicians Value Being Punctual and Reliable

If you’re the type of person who shows up on time for appointments and you place a lot of value on being reliable, then you already have some of the traits that can help you succeed in an HVAC career. For many people, an HVAC problem is inconvenient and uncomfortable, especially when the weather is either very hot or cold. They want to know that their HVAC technician is going to be punctual and help them get their HVAC system up and running again.

HVAC careerHVAC technicians are expected to be reliable and to show up on time for appointments

In some situations, there’s a lot more at stake to showing up on time to an HVAC repair than just convenience. Many facilities need functioning HVAC systems for health and safety reasons. A nursing home, for example, needs its HVAC system working well during extreme weather conditions to ensure its vulnerable residents are kept safe. For places like hospitals, restaurants, and manufacturing plants, proper ventilation is likewise essential. Since your customers place a very high value on making sure their HVAC system works well, they will greatly appreciate it if you are punctual and reliable.

Are you ready to pursue a fulfilling and in-demand career?

Contact North American Trade Schools to learn more about our HVAC technician training.

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4 Interesting Career Paths You Can Pursue After HVAC Training

March 20, 2019

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While professionals who have completed HVAC training have specialized knowledge of HVAC systems, the skills and capabilities they develop during their course are also easily transferrable to many other lines of work.

Curious about what kinds of opportunities could be out there for you? Here are a few of the interesting career paths that you might want to consider after you graduate.

After HVAC Training, You Can Train as a Pipe Fitter

Pipe fitters work with piping systems, typically in industrial settings. Their skills are usually put to use for installation, maintenance, and repair purposes, often for the large heating and cooling systems employed by commercial buildings or facilities. The Canadian Job Bank says that employment outlook for this career between now and 2019 is “Fair,” with a number of positions likely to open up as established professionals retire.

Working in this field is a bit like specializing in a very particular part of the heating and cooling world, as your skills are applied exclusively to large-scale systems. Since HVAC work often entails dealing with pipes on a smaller scale, the skills built in HVAC training transfer quite naturally to this role. If you like the idea of working with intricate piping and maintaining large systems, you may want to take on a pipe fitter apprenticeship after graduating.

HVAC Technician Training Can Open up a Path to Plumbing Work

Speaking of pipes, it’s not uncommon for HVAC technician program graduates to go on to a plumbing apprenticeship. A plumbing career largely involves standard work like unclogging drains or pipes, but can also include putting new plumbing systems together when a building is being renovated or constructed. The Canadian Job Bank says that employment outlook for this career is also “Fair,” with employment growth expected over the next couple of years.

As with many trades, going on to become a plumber requires that professionals complete an apprenticeship to get a better handle on the practical work involved in the profession. Graduating from an HVAC program at a college like North American Trade Schools could give you an edge in this regard, as much of your time in class will involve hands-on training with real tools and equipment that you might encounter in your future career.

HVAC training

You can get a head start on your hands-on skills by taking HVAC training courses

Sheet Metal Mechanic Work Is Also Available to HVAC Graduates

Sheet metal is used in the HVAC trade for building, maintaining, and repairing ducts, ventilation works, and other similar systems, so students spend a part of their education learning to work with this important material.

Sheet metal, of course, is also used for a number of other kinds of projects, such as for putting together buildings or vehicles. By learning how to work with sheet metal in HVAC technician training, you can develop the skills to work as a sheet metal mechanic on other kinds of projects, too. There’s a lot of potential for diverse and interesting projects in this line of work! The Canadian Job Bank rates the outlook for this career, too, as “Fair” over the coming years.

One More Great Option: Become an HVAC Technician!

Of course, a career working with HVAC systems is also a great option! The Canadian Job Bank rates the career outlook for HVAC work as “Good,” its highest rating. Many new jobs are expected to be created and a number of established professionals are likely to retire over the coming years, presenting a wealth of opportunity for newcomers.

The job is also, quite legitimately, a chance to do some good in the world. For one thing, temperature regulation is very important to people’s emotional wellbeing at home and in the workplace. For another, with elderly or otherwise vulnerable individuals, maintaining the right temperature can be something necessary for maintaining good health. An HVAC professional is the one who does the installation, maintenance, and repair work that allows an HVAC system to keep everyone happy and safe.

Sound interesting? With HVAC training taking under a year to complete, there’s no reason to delay! By this time next year, you could be enjoying a great new career doing work that matters.

HVAC technician training

You can quickly take on meaningful HVAC work by completing a training program

Want to become an HVAC technician or enter a related career?

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Did You Know You Could Start Your Own Business After HVAC School? Here’s How!

January 22, 2019

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Being a business owner comes with a lot of perks, like the ability to set your own hours and to feel more in control of your career. The HVAC industry is a particularly good field for becoming a business owner. According to Statistics Canada, the demand for HVAC technicians is currently very strong in every region of Ontario, due to the province’s growing population. If you dream of becoming your own boss, read on to learn some of the steps involved in starting your very own HVAC business.

Attend a Good HVAC College and Complete Your Training and Apprenticeship

HVAC is a regulated trade in Ontario, which means you’ll need to complete training, an apprenticeship program and pass the G2 Gas Technician and G3 Gas Technician certification tests. Completing these steps allows you to register as a journeyperson and start your own HVAC business.

However, it’s important to note that becoming a journeyperson takes time—8,280 hours of on-the-job experience and 720 hours of in-school training. Students can view their apprenticeship as an opportunity to learn the technical side of the job, make contacts in the industry and gain a reputation as a dependable and trustworthy technician.

become an hvac technicianHVAC students at NATS will have the opportunity to take their G3 and G2 Gas technician exams

Blueprint to Success: Develop a Solid HVAC Business Plan

After you’ve earned your HVAC certification, it will be time to start drawing up a business plan. Your business plan is an outline of the concrete steps you will take to turn your idea of a business into a reality. It typically covers such things as working hours, projected revenue, marketing strategy and estimated expenses.

hvac collegeA comprehensive business plan will help you build your HVAC business

Having a business plan is important not only because it gives you a blueprint to follow, but because it can help you raise the capital you need to buy tools, vehicles and equipment when starting out. While you may be able to cover some of these start-up costs yourself, you’ll probably need to get a business loan from a bank to cover the rest. A bank will likely want to see a business plan before loaning you any money.

Gain Clients Through Networking During HVAC College and Beyond

As a new business, you won’t have an established reputation like other companies that have been in business for longer periods of time. In order to attract customers, you’ll need to develop a strategy which will allow your business to gain visibility with your prospective clients.

One way to do this is to reach out to others in the industry, such as connections you made while attending HVAC college as well as during your apprenticeship. Those contacts can help you in a number of ways, like directing you to construction firms that are looking to partner with an HVAC subcontractor and even setting you up with clients they may be too busy to service themselves.

Additionally, don’t underestimate the power of the internet. Word-of-mouth has always been a standard way for HVAC companies to attract new business, and the internet has amplified this, providing prospective customers with lightening quick access to client testimonials, reviews and recommendations about your business. Make sure you are on Yelp, Google My Business and other relevant digital platforms, and always encourage your customers to leave reviews of your business on these platforms. The more positive reviews you have, the more likely you are to attract new business.

Do you want to become an HVAC technician?

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Going Green in 2019: 4 New Technologies You Might Work with After HVAC School

November 27, 2018

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Much of Canada experiences long cold winters and hot, sweltering summers, which is why local homes and businesses tend to use a lot of energy in order to stay warm or cool. All that energy consumption is expensive and can often have a negative impact on the environment. In response, many Canadians have recently begun investing in green HVAC technologies.

Once you begin your career as an HVAC technician, you are likely to come across a number of these exciting new technologies. Familiarizing yourself with more efficient technologies could help you land more work after you graduate from your program and enter the workforce.

Read on to learn about some of the ground-breaking technologies you may work with during your career.

1. The Internet of Things Meets HVAC: Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats allow homeowners to monitor and control their home’s heating and cooling right from their smartphones and tablets. That gives them the power to reduce their energy consumption when they aren’t home. After completing your HVAC technician training, you’ll be equipped with the skills and technical know-how to install different types of thermostats, ensuring you’re fully prepared when clients hire you to install their smart thermostats.

hvac schoolNorth American Trade Schools will prepare you to install many different types of thermostats

2. Using the Earth’s Natural HVAC System: Geothermal Heat Pumps

Geothermal heat pumps have actually been around since the 1940s and they have long been popular in Northern Europe, however, in Canada, they are less common. Heat pumps use the natural heat within the Earth to keep homes warm and they may be used as either a standalone or a complementary heating system. Thanks to recent Ontario government incentives, you can expect to see and work with geothermal heat pumps in homes after HVAC school.

3. Green HVAC Meets Luxury: Radiant Floor Heating

Radiant floor heating has been around for quite some time, but it has recently grown more common in North America. While luxury items are often associated with having negative effects on the environment, this is not the case where heated floors are concerned. In fact, this luxurious heating system is actually quite energy efficient. Because the heated floor has a larger surface area than a wall radiator, for instance, it generates heat more evenly, and will make a room feel warmer when it is at a lower temperature because of this. Whereas with a radiator, there may be areas of a room that are still cool even when the temperature is set higher.

hvac technician coursesOnce you graduate from NATS, you may be hired to install energy-efficient heated floors for clients

4. The Future of HVAC Technician Training: DeVAP Air Conditioning

You may not see this air conditioning system in homes or businesses for a long while, because it is not yet commercially available, but perhaps you’ll work with DeVAP air conditioning someday. Developed by US government researchers, this revolutionary technology combines the forces of evaporation and dehumidification and could end up cutting energy consumption of traditional air conditioners by a whopping 90%! Once these air conditioners become more widely available, expect them to completely change the way homes and offices are kept cool.

Are you ready to take the first step towards a rewarding career as an HVAC technician?

Contact North American Trade Schools for information about our HVAC technician courses!

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HVAC School Advice for Getting a Home Fall and Winter Ready

October 23, 2018

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As the days get shorter and temperatures begin to drop, it’s important for people to get their homes ready for the colder seasons. There’s more to do than just pile on the blankets, switch off the air conditioning and crank up the thermostat, though. Proper preparation means ensuring that a home’s heating system is in good working order for the long winter ahead, and that it won’t be wasting energy, which can result in soaring bills over the winter months.

HVAC school teaches aspiring technicians to spot any of the potential problems that can result in a poorly functioning or wasteful home heating system. If you’re considering, or already pursuing, HVAC technician training, here’s some advice you might soon be giving to clients for getting a home fall and winter ready.

HVAC Experts Advise Clients to Change their Air Filters Regularly

As air flows out from a unit, the air filter removes small particles like dust and dirt, which would otherwise circulate and be breathed in by occupants. However, over time these small particles can build up and block the filter. When this happens, the unit has to work much harder to keep a home warm. Air quality suffers and heating costs go up.

Once you’ve earned your diploma, you might recommend that clients replace their air filters every one to three months. Heading into winter, it’s particularly important they make sure that the unit is running with a clean, new filter.

Thermostats Should Be Measured Against a Separate Thermometer

HVAC training will teach you that the thermostat is the control centre of a heating system making sure that the heat turns on and off as intended and that the home is kept at the desired temperature. For this reason, it’s important for clients to know if it’s in good working condition before the weather gets too cold.

You might test the thermostat by setting the temperature at least ten degrees higher than the temperature of the room. This should cause the heat to turn on. After about fifteen minutes, a standard thermometer should be used to test the temperature of the room and compare it to the readout on the thermometer. When the numbers don’t match up, there’s a problem.

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Check the thermostat against a separate reading to make sure it’s working

Professionals with HVAC Training Know the Importance of Weatherstripping

Even if an HVAC system is in good working order, problems can still arise if hot air isn’t being kept in and cold air isn’t been kept out. If the weatherstripping around a home’s doors and windows isn’t in good shape, then the unit has to work much harder to keep the air inside at the set temperature. After graduating from HVAC school, you’ll know that in the short term, this can increase heating costs significantly, and in the long term, it can wear down the unit. This can be avoided by checking all the seals around a home’s doors and windows ahead of time, as well as inspecting the home for any other gaps or holes.

Clients Should Make Sure Units Won’t Be Damaged By Falling Branches

You don’t need to advise clients to cover their outdoor HVAC unit in the winter, as it’s built to withstand outdoor conditions, but you should advise them to regularly check it for leaves, dirt, or other build-up.

Branches weighed down by snow can also snap and fall, potentially damaging an HVAC unit underneath. Clear any branches directly above the unit and inspect the surrounding area for other such risks.

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Heavy snow can cause tree branches to snap and fall, sometimes damaging HVAC units

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Contact North American Trade Schools for more information on how to become an HVAC technician.

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